Phone Numbers

Multiple Phone Numbers for a Contact: More Flexibility, Better Contact Management 🚀

June 23, 20231 min read

Introducing our Exciting New Feature: Enhanced Phone Number Management for B.E Suite Users

We are delighted to unveil a groundbreaking addition to our B.E Suite: the ability to effortlessly add and oversee multiple phone numbers for each contact. This innovative feature has been thoughtfully crafted to elevate your control over contact information, ultimately streamlining your workflow like never before.

Let's delve into the exciting enhancements this feature brings:

Add Multiple Phone Numbers ☎️ With our latest update, users now have the freedom to include up to 11 phone numbers when creating a contact. This empowers you with unparalleled flexibility in managing and organizing crucial contact details according to your unique preferences. Whether it's personal, work, or alternative numbers, you can easily accommodate them all.

Convenient Management and Editing ✏️ Gone are the days of grappling with disorganized contact information. Our new feature allows you to effortlessly manage and edit multiple phone numbers within the dedicated contact details page. This user-friendly interface ensures that your contact information remains up-to-date and accurate at all times, keeping pace with the dynamic nature of your relationships.

Designate a Primary Phone Number 🥇 To foster clarity and consistency in your communication, we offer you the option to designate a primary phone number for each contact. By selecting a primary number, you establish a central point of contact for all actions and interactions. This ensures that you and your team can reach out to the right person without any confusion, ultimately bolstering effective communication and seamless collaboration.

We are dedicated to providing you with an exceptional user experience, and this feature is a testament to our commitment. By empowering you to effortlessly manage multiple phone numbers for each contact, we aim to simplify your workflow and enhance your productivity.

The Team Dedicated To Your Success

B.E. Suite 🖥

The Team Dedicated To Your Success

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